Resource Database
The Resource Database
This searchable collection of books, articles, dissertations, webinars, and more allows music educators, practitioners, and scholars to find resources to further their own knowledge on ICD composers and works, performance practice, cultural and language guides, works analyses, and best practices to accomplish ADEI goals in programming. It’s a work in progress, and we welcome ideas for additions through the Resource Database Submission Form. The resources in the database combine ICD’s old Bibliography page with additional resources collected by Dr. Helena von Rueden with assistance from ICD Staff. For even more information from organizations outside of ICD, check out our Outside Resources.
How the Database is organized
Each resource in this database has been tagged with keywords relevant to its content. Keywording can be tricky, especially considering the difficulties inherent in labeling a culture, a people, or a practice, and ICD staff have attempted to implement a keywording system that respects cultures and practices while creating a useful tool for practitioners. If you’d like to take a deeper dive into the details of how the keywording works, or for suggestions on some keywords to try, please check out our Keyword Guidelines.
Tips for Keywords
Here are some tips for using the Open Keyword option:
If you get too few results, try a more general term
If you want to search for two different unrelated keywords, do not use any words or punctuation to separate them. E.g. “villancico 1800s” not “villancico, 1800s” or “villancico and 1800s.”
When searching for a person, use either “First Name Last Name” or “Last Name, First Name” formats- both should work, as long as the person is in our Composer Database or is an author or contributor for one of the resources in the database.
When searching for a resource on a particular cultural practice or a particular community, try entering the geographic area from which the practice originated or where the community is located, e.g., Kenya, instead of Kenyan. See our page for Keyword Guidelines if you’d like more details!
If you are having trouble, please don’t hesitate to contact us.