Keyword Guidelines
The Resource Database Keyword Guidelines
Below is a chart that explains how the Keywords are organized and applied to the ICD Resource Database. When volunteer staff add resources to the database, they use these tags to help users find what they are looking for. The list provides the rationale for the system used in keywording these resources for those interested in the mechanics. Special thanks to Deanna Pellarano, music librarian at the University of Indiana’s Jacobs School of Music and contributor to the Inclusive Early Music, for her advice on our guidelines!
Suggested Keywords by Topic Area
Pedagogical resources
Best practices for programming
Best practices for rehearsal
Music education
Best Practices in Programming and Rehearsal
Best practices for programming
Best practices for rehearsal
ADEIB (access, diversity, equity, inclusion, belonging)
Culture bearers (these are people coming from a particular culture who have expertise in a specific musical practice)
Cultural appropriation
Racism, anti-racism
The name of a composer in our database, last name and/or first name
The name of an author in the resource database, last name and/or first
Genres or compositional styles
The name of the genre, e.g. Concerto, Spiritual
Performance practice
Performance practice
Terms that identify how music is learned or performed, e.g., Aural transmission, movement, dance
Terms that identify the cultural group where the music originated, e.g., Korean traditional music
Terms identifying time period or style era, e.g., Baroque
Cultural identity of the people who originated a given practice or genre.
Note: This keyword is not used unless it is significant to the practice of the genre, i.e., African-American identity is important to know about when performing a spiritual, a genre originating in the African-American experience. Geographical location and cultural identity - below - are treated separately because they are not always the same, i.e., the Xhosa people in the country of South Africa.
Specific cultural groups e.g., Xhosa, Navajo
A broad cultural group with shared cultural identity e.g., Latinx
Specific faith identity e.g., Jewish
Historical information about composers, genres, works, social conditions, etc
18th century
Early Music
Languages and pronunciation
Name of specific language, e.g. Spanish
International Phonetic Alphabet or IPA
Performance practice
Analysis, theory, or discussion of composer, style, trends, genre, or other musicological, practice-based, social, stylistic, or historical topics
Gender studies
Racism, anti-racism
Trends, data analysis
ADEIB (access, diversity, equity, inclusion, belonging)
Repertoire analysis
Hybridity, hybrid music
LGBTQIA studies
Geography, music from or practiced in a specific geographical location (usually Continent/Country)
Note: Where national borders are debated, only a continent may be given. Geographical location and cultural identity - above- are treated separately because they are not always the same, i.e., the Xhosa people in the country of South Africa.
Name of country, region, territory, or other geographical term
This information is usually in this format: South America/Bolivia
Specific musical work or work(s) by a composer in the ICD Composer Database
name of the work